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Muzenstraat 41
2511 WB The Hague
The Netherlands

Please remember to bring a valid ID when visiting ACM.

ACM on Google Maps

Postal Adress & Fax

PO Box 16326
2500 BH The Hague
The Netherlands

Fax: +31 70 7222 355


+31 70 7222 000

ACM can be reached from Monday through Friday from 8.30 am to 5:00 pm.

Consumers may contact ACM ConsuWijzer, which is ACM’s consumer information portal. Please note that we can only answer you in Dutch.

Press room

Are you a member of the press? Please contact one of our press officers.

Press room

ACM on Social media

Follow us on social media.

ACM on LinkedIn (in Dutch) ACM on Twitter (in Dutch)

Consumer information

ACM ConsuWijzer is ACM’s consumer information portal.

ACM ConsuWijzer ConsuWijzer on Twitter (in Dutch) ConsuWijzer on Facebook (in Dutch)

Information for businesses

Are you a business owner? On the page below, you will find information about the rules that you need to comply with, for example when selling to consumers. Find out if you are in compliance.

Information for businesses (in Dutch)

Complaints about ACM

ACM employees work with the best possible care. Do you feel you were nevertheless treated incorrectly? Please file a complaint, so we can learn from your experience.

Complaints about ACM

Designation as a NEMO

Energy exchanges can file an application with ACM for designation as a NEMO.

NEMO application

ACM in the Caribbean Netherlands

Find out what tasks ACM has on the islands of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba.

ACM in the Caribbean Netherlands